Adventurers Wanted Wiki

They are the elder race. They can speak with animals. Elves know themselves far better than mortals, but evil might still reside somewhere in an elf, buried deeply.

Elves do not die—pass over The Wall—but go to the halls of waiting. Though they do not get sick or grow old and die of old age, they can be killed or choose to fade away from the Known Lands, waiting to awake after the lands have been renewed. They can also choose to become as mortal men.

Elves are good with language, and elfin letters are used widely, especially in magic books. Because they do not grow old, they remember the distant past. They do not bow amongst friends and equals. Elves are almost always friendly to other elves. Elves can let their minds rest while letting their body remain watchful and alert. “And remembering things long past is like sleep” for them (2:41).

Elves live all over the known lands. Though hardly seen, there are even some in Nezza.

Dark Elves

Dark Elves are elves that “loved the earth. Mining ore and making wonderful things with it was their passion” (1:163). They made the most powerful weapons in the Known Lands. Most Dark Elves “destroyed long ago,” and “the few who were left were scattered. Now most have faded away” (1:163). Most of the weapons made are lost or destroyed except some of the Great Swords and perhaps one or two others. "Most of the weapons that remain are swords, although the Dark Elves made all kinds of weapons."

Prominent Elves

